Mojo Plus Supplement Enada Nadh Competitive
  • Mojo Plus Supplement Enada Nadh Competitive
  • Mojo Plus Supplement Enada Nadh Competitive
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Mojo Plus Supplement Enada Nadh Competitive

429.00 kr
VAT included Delivery time 1-2 working days within Sweden
  • production of ATP (cellular) Energy
  • supply of Instant Energy for the Body and Brain
  • extending longevity of the Life Span of Cells; Tissues and Organs
  • strong Anti-oxidant properties
  • protection of the Heart
  • improved Libido
  • boosts immune system
  • it is the new quick acting fast dissolving lozenge form of stabilized nadh
  • the lozenge application is in use by the body and the brain within 10 minutes
  • is very applicable and easily administered for/by athletes
  • works very well for very active people in business, sports or everyday people
  • work within 10 minutes, lasting effect up to 5 hours (3-5 hours)
  • take 1 tablet before activity and add more if you need to perform

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Unique effective supplement for very active people!

This is a very effective and unique supplement for very active people in business or sports. It will help you in many ways and in a natural way; improves energy in body, improves stamina, improves mental focus and a lot more!

The active component that is unique is a stabilized NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). NADH is the chemical that jumpstarts the production of ATP (cellular energy) in muscles. Therefore the more NADH a cell has available, the more energy it can produce, function, and live longer. This lozenges is the quick acting, fast dissolving lozenge form of stabilized NADH, that will help you within 10 minutes and upto 5 hours! The key about this product is stabilized NADH which is only available in our NADH products (world patent).

Even highly conditioned athletes have a measurable nadh deficit. Research conducted by Birkmayer and colleagues on competitive athletes indicate that nadh enhances work capacity. On a study researchers measures reaction times, physical performance, and performance quality in 17 competitive cyclists and long-distance runners. After taking 5mg of nadh every morning for four weeks, most atheletes experiences significantly less scattering of reaction times- it dropped 10% in five athletes, 10 to 20 percent in eight athletes, and more than 20% in three athletes.

  • energy increase
  • increase ATP levels
  • biological rocket fuel is it called nadh
  • energizes both mental & physical
  • increases ATP heart energy
  • increases intracellular energy in athletes
  • reduce lactic acid build up in muscles
  • each tablet 20mg also with Chlorophyll for extra energy
  • Chlorophyll (yes the green in plants) is a natural detoxifyer that will improve body performance even more
  • a super antioxidant for the body
  • boosts immune system
  • other effects that nadh gives you: anti-aging on cells in body, help repair DNA damage, could reduce blood pressure, increase brain performance 

The Most Important Functions of this product are:

  • production of ATP (cellular) Energy
  • supply of Instant Energy for the Body and Brain
  • extending longevity of the Life Span of Cells; Tissues and Organs
  • strong Anti-oxidant properties
  • protection of the Heart
  • improved Libido
  • boosts immune system
  • it is the new quick acting fast dissolving lozenge form of stabilized nadh
  • the lozenge application is in use by the body and the brain within 10 minutes
  • is very applicable and easily administered for/by athletes
  • works very well for very active people in business, sports or everyday people
  • work within 10 minutes, lasting effect up to 5 hours (3-5 hours)
  • take 1 tablet before activity and add more if you need to perform at peak performance depending on length or activity and strain.
  • you only need to take them when you need extra energy
  • 30 tablets in each package
  • each tablet 20mg also with Chlorophyll for extra energy
  • no known side effects everything is natural to the body

A lot of clinic studies has been made on our nadh supplement see below for more information:

Summary NADH Enada for ailments or in sports studies and results

Sport & Athletes: Extra-cellular-metabolism.pdf

Sport & Athletes: NADH-Biological-Rocket-Fuel.pdf

Sport & Athletes: NADH-supplementation-decreases-1.pdf

ADHD: Attention_Deficit_Hyperactivity_Disorder.pdf 

Alzheimers's disease: ENADA-NADH-improves-cognitive-impairment.pdf

Alzheimers's disease: Treatment-of-Alzheimers-DoubleBlind-Study-October2002.pdf

Anti-aging: NADH-supplementation.pdf

Anti-aging: Publication.pdf

Antioxidant: Invitro-antioxidative.pdf

Antioxidant: NADH-supplementation-decreases2.pdf

Antioxidant: NADPH-a-directly-operatin-antioxidant.pdf

Antioxidant: The-Antioxidative-Capacity.pdf

Blood pressure: Oral-reduced-B-nicotinamideadenine.pdf

Chronic Fatigue: Chronic-Fatique-Study-02-02-1999.pdf

Chronic Fatigue: Enada-NADH-Revolutionary-Relief-From-Age-Ailments-and-Fatigue.pdf

Chronic Fatigue: Enzyme-Fights-Fatigue-Study-Feb-1999.pdf

Chronic Fatigue: Therapeutic-effects-of-oral-NADH-on-the-symptoms-of-patients.pdf

Parkinsons's disease: NADH-supplementation-decreases-1.pdf


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