impact tape
  • impact tape
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Impact tape package iron/rescue/putter 44 pcs

189.00 kr
VAT included Delivery time 1-2 working days within Sweden
  • high quality impact labels, always correct reading 
  • at least 6 readings per label, often a lot more
  • easy to remove
  • instructions on how to improve your golfswing, depending on were you impact the ball on the clubface
  • includes 36 pcs impact labels for irons (also work on metalwoods and drivers)
  • includes 8 pcs impact labels for putter/rescue
  • impact labels work best in temperatures from 11 degrees centigrade (or 55 degrees Fahrenheit) if temperature is lower the ink will react slower with smaller ball mark on label 
  • includes 1 pcs Pop-up protector for driver (protects club from pop-ups) 
  • includes 1 pcs Pop-up protector for metalwood (protects club from pop-ups) 

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Improves your impact and your golfgame!

This is impact labels that will show you ball impact on clubface. High quality labels, at least 6 hits per label, often a lot more. Includes 36 pcs impact labels irons (also work on metalwoods and drivers) + 8 pcs impact labels for putter/rescue + 1 Pop-up Protector for driver (protect club from pop-up marks) + 1 Pop-up Protector for metalwood (protect club from pop-ups marks.

  • high quality impact labels, always correct reading 
  • at least 6 readings per label, often a lot more
  • easy to remove
  • instructions on how to improve your golfswing, depending on were you impact the ball on the clubface
  • includes 36 pcs impact labels for irons (also work on metalwoods and drivers)
  • includes 8 pcs impact labels for putter/rescue
  • impact labels work best in temperatures from 11 degrees centigrade (or 55 degrees Fahrenheit) if temperature is lower the ink will react slower with smaller ball mark on label 
  • includes 1 pcs Pop-up protector for driver (protects club from pop-ups) 
  • includes 1 pcs Pop-up protector for metalwood (protects club from pop-ups) 

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